Youth Baseball Winter Training 2024 -2025

Your Price: $170.00
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Part Number:63-2

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Help your player have more success and fun this Spring! Professional coaches teach players the correct fundamentals of throwing, fielding and hitting. Sessions are at our Climate Controlled Indoor Facility so it is always warm and dry. Player groups are established by age: Coach Pitch / Machine Pitch ages 7 & 8, Minors ages 8 to10, Majors 11 &12 . Options include Saturday or Sunday groups. 8 week program, 1 hour per session. Saturday Dates:12/7/24, 12/14/24, 12/21/24, 1/4/25, 1/11/25, 1/18/25, 1/25/25, 2/1/25. Sunday Dates: 12/8/24, 12/15/24, 12/22/24, 1/5/25, 1/12/25, 1/19/25, 1/26/25, 2/2/25. Cost: $203 for remaining 6 weeks

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